Code of Conduct

The Healesville Junior Football Club Code of Behaviour for players, parents and spectators is based upon the AFL Outer East and the Australian Sports Commission Code of Behaviour and has been amended and altered to the needs of the Healesville Junior Football Club. 


  1. Abide and play by the rules of the game and the rules set down by the AFL Outer East, Healesville Junior Football Club and your coach. 

  2. Never argue with an official, do not question officials and umpires’ judgement and never question their honesty. 

  3. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting an opponent is not accepted or permitted in any other sport. 

  4. Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you. 

  5. Never ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes. Your involvement is to play for fun and enjoyment and winning is only part of it. Be a good sport; applaud all good plays whether they are from your team, your opponent or the other team.

  6. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player. Always conduct yourself in a manner that is expected of your team mates, club or family. 

  7. Co-operate with your coach and team mates, and respect the ability of your opponents. Without them there would be no game. 

  8. Place in proper perspective the isolated incidents of unsporting behaviour rather than make such incidents the “highlight” of the game. 

  9. Players must not assault or attempt to assault an umpire, another player, officials or supporters. 

  10. Be proud to walk off the ground after each game knowing that you have given your best effort and never involve yourself in an argument with opposing player, umpires or officials. 


  1. If children are interested, encourage them to participate. However, if a child is not willing, do not force him or her. 

  2. Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the game. This assists the child in setting a realistic goal related to his or her ability by removing the emphasis on winning. 

  3. Teach children that an honest effort is as important as victory, so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment. 

  4. Encourage children to always participate according to the rules. 

  5. Never ridicule or yell at any child for making a mistake or losing a game. 

  6. Remember that children are involved in organised sport for THEIR enjoyment, not yours. 

  7. Remember that children learn best from example. Applaud good plays by all teams. 

  8. If you disagree with an official, raise the issue through the appropriate channels (via Healesville Junior Football Club which then can bring it to the attention of the ruling body) rather than question the officials judgement and honesty in public. 

  9. Remember, most officials give their time and effort for your child’s involvement. 

  10. Support efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities 

  11. Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give up their time and resources to provide recreational activities and deserve your support. 



  1. Players, parents and supporters acting in a manner contrary to the Code of Conduct will be cautioned regarding the inappropriateness of their behaviour at the time of the breach by a club or league official.  A player, parent or supporter failing to heed this caution may be asked to leave the venue or event.

  2. Players, parents or supporters asked to leave the venue or event will be required to provide a written assurance that they will abide by the Code of Conduct before being permitted to return to the club to train, play or be involved.

  3. Repeated behaviour contrary to the Codes of Conduct will be dealt with by the Club in conjunction with the League.

  4. The League reserves the right to implement a penalty for any breach of this code of conduct. This may be in addition to any penalty a club member or supporter may receive for breaching AFL Victoria Country rules. (ie. If a club member is reported and sent to the Tribunal, the breach of the code of conduct will be handled separately by the appropriate League Board).

  5. Any fines imposed on Healesville Junior Football Club for parent and supporter breaches will be passed on and the player will be suspended if the fine is not paid within 3 weeks of being issued.

Yellow and Red cards and Player Suspensions are deemed to be breaches of the Code of Conduct and Healesville Junior Football Club and AFL Outer East will impose the following penalties:

Red & Yellow Cards:

  1. Any player who receives a red card during the course of any match, shall be asked to front the independent tribunal on the relevant charge.

  2. If a player receives three (3) yellow cards that player will be suspended for one week by AFL Outer East. Every 2nd yellow card thereafter will result in a one-week suspension. E.g.: Player receives 3 yellow cards; player is suspended for one match. If player receives yellow card No. 4 no further penalty however, yellow card No. 5 will result in a further one-week suspension. 

  3. Any player may appeal an automatic yellow card suspension to the AFL Outer East Tribunal by Monday 6 pm following match day. Any appeal may be subject to further suspension if the appeal is deemed frivolous. 

  4. A player who is reported by the umpire from a yellow card and subsequently suspended will not have that yellow card counted by AFL Outer East.

Player Suspension

For any player that is suspended by the AFL Outer East Tribunal, Healesville Junior Football Club reserves the right to impose an additional club penalty.

I / We fully support the codes of conduct as introduced by the Healesville Junior Football Club. The codes of conduct are applicable to all Club activities including fixtured games, team training, social events and other official club or team events. No registered player may participate in a fixtured game of Football until they have read and understood the Player Code of Conduct with their parent or guardian.