Season 2025 - What you need to know….
Healesville Junior Football club is part of the AFL Outer East Junior Football Competition.
Games are held Sundays - with the younger age groups playing in the morning and older age groups later in the day.
Round 1 of the competition starts on Sunday 6 April.
Home games are played at Queens Park Oval - Don Rd, Healesville.
Away games are mostly played at venues 30-50 mins from Healesville. Most times there will be families to assist with transport if required.
The following fees will be payable as part of the registration:
1. Healesville Junior Football Club Season registration for players is $150. This fee includes a training top free of charge.
2. Mandatory Outer East Association player registration fee of $18
Financial aid is available if required - please contact the club to discuss.
Players uniform consists of shorts and socks - these need to be club issued with the correct Outer East League logo. Black shorts are worn in the girls teams and white shorts in the boys and mixed teams
Uniform ordered will be given to your child's team manager and handed out at training. Note: shorts, socks and hoodies are usually held in stock. Personalized items are ordered as required and delivery times will be longer.
Uniform is available to order as part of the registration process or can be purchased separately via the Merchandise Link above.
Training will commence in February with some “all in” club training sessions - Refer to Events tab above.
Team training sessions will be confirmed in coming weeks. -
Players require a mouthguard to train and play. The club engages a specialist to fit and mould custom mouthguards. Dates will be advertised via Facebook/Instagram so keep an eye out for these. Alternatively self-moulding options are available from chemists and sports shops.
2025 Training Tops
It is with many thanks to our valued sponsors BHM Plant Hire, Chris Cabinets, Reece and Ashmore's Automotive Smash Repairs that we are able to offer a FREE personalized training top as part of our registration fee this year. You will be prompted to select sizes and personalization as part of the registration process in PlayHQ.
Registrations completed by 26th February will have their training tops delivered in time for round 1.
Registrations completed after this date will have their training tops delivered approx. 5 weeks after round 1.